Catechism Question #3: How many persons are there in God?
Answer: There are three persons in one God; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

In our early morning devotion time with students, we have been learning about how the Lord calls us by name. Just like in John 10:2-3, we learn how the shepherd calls His sheep by name and they know his voice.
This poses an interesting thought; how do we hear God’s voice? If we are believers, we have the Holy Spirit within us. Spending time in prayer and reading His word, allows us to hear His voice.
Once a week at EWA, we learn about persecution happening in other countries. Most recently, we learned about Sahar, a mother of 2, from Iran, was separated from her children after she began following Jesus. At one point in her story, she recalls, “I heard something really strange in my heart from the Holy Spirit. You are my daughter, I chose you. You will serve among women, even in different nations.” How can that be; I’m a woman and I live in Iran!? She was later arrested because of her Christian activity but was able to flee to Turkey and pursue the call God had on her life. She is now living in Turkey, serving other women in similar circumstances, and encouraging them in their faith.
This was a great example of how the Holy Spirit can encourage us. The more we spend time with Him, the more we are able to discern His guidance. I am thankful we serve a triune God and that he has given us the Holy Spirit!
~Stephanie Dow

We want to acknowledge Linda Squire, who has been one of our faithful volunteers and prayer partners, for years. She recently accepted the responsibility of helping with the writing of “Thank You Notes” that go out to our donors. This is a huge help, as we try to be diligent to acknowledge every gift that comes to support this ministry, as each one is part of how the Lord keeps us operational! Thank you, Linda.

We would like to thank Green Hills Farms for donating a gift card to EWA! We plan to use this to help honor and celebrate our volunteers this spring!

Thank you!, Green Hill Farms


“A gift from Domenic & Kathryn Ferraro was given to us in memory of Judith Lambert, a close friend, who passed away last August. A donation like this is used by the Lord to encourage us and enable us to continue serving our students.”

Mr. and Mrs. Fred/Dolores Broskoskie are honoring Eric & Rose Biegler with a donation to EWA. After the Lord used Eric to bring Fred to Himself in the place they worked together, a long friendship and mentorship developed until God called Eric home! Fred and Dolores continue being faithful servants of the Lord Jesus to this day!

David and Anna Shipe are praising the Lord for using the Maser Family to bring Anna’s family to Himself. A generous gift is being made to EWA to honor Mrs. Beatrice Maser, who at 97 years old, still glorifies her Lord & Savior, Jesus!


Our students are rewarded for work or behaviors that set them apart from their peers. Please take a moment to read what teachers had to say about our students and why they nominated them for an award!

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